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When the police are called to the scene of a domestic dispute, it is not uncommon for an arrest to be made. Even if the alleged victim decides at a later point that he or she does not want to press charges, it is no longer in their hands. Domestic violence Utah laws are complex and dangerous for the accused. In these situations, a criminal defense lawyer will play an extremely important role in protecting your rights.
If the Respondent violates any component of the order, they can be arrested and ordered to pay a fine, go to jail or both.
If you are convicted of domestic violence or domestic assault, or if a spouse or ex-spouse has taken out a protective order against you, a criminal defense lawyer can help you. Challenging the protective order and working to have it lifted can help ensure that you can enter your home and come in contact with the alleged victim again. Fighting your domestic violence charges means that you have the opportunity to avoid long-term imprisonment, fines and other penalties.
Sexual Assault or Battery
Restraining Orders
This can also be referred to as familial violence or spousal abuse. When violence takes place in the family setting or against an ex, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. it can also lead to other issues such as custody, visitation rights and restraining orders
Assault with a deadly weapon such as a firearm is an aggravated form of assault & battery. This means that the penalties you face will be steeper than regular assault or battery.
Sexual Assault or Battery
Restraining Orders
Anyone can file a restraining order if they claim threatened or actual violence. The initial restraining order granted will be temporary, but a hearing to evaluate more evidence could warrant a permanent order. While this is not a criminal conviction, a violation of the restraining order could end in an arrest.